My new book, Coven Mitt is LIVE and ready for you. I’ve gotten so many nice messages and encouragement already about this one. It’s the second in the Widow’s Bay Series. First up I want to say thank you to the Bedford Library for hosting me at a signing. It was so fun! We talked, […]
Meet Me at The Library
What’s it take to be an author? How’d you get a newspaper column? What’s it like to work in television news? How do you find ideas? What is a Yooper Natural? Low Carbs or Low Cal? Whatever you want to talk about we can talk about when I appear at the Bedford Library on October 29th […]
Cut The Crap Game in October
There’s just STUFF. Stuff in the drawers, closets, basement, my purse! I want it gone. I want some space, some organization, and some calm. BUT every time I go to start it becomes WAY TOO MUCH! So lately I’ve been researching how best to cut the crap. How can I move toward a more manageable […]
First Book Signing
I can’t even believe I’m writing this but I’m going to be signing my new book! If you’re in Northwest Ohio or Southeast Michigan I’d LOVE to see you! It’s July 27th from 5:30pm to 7:30pm at Gathering Volumes Bookstore. Click here for more details! Hope to see you there!
My New Book
The date is set! My novel, Resting Witch Face comes out on July 23rd. If you know me from t.v. I know you get my sense of humor. There’s a lot of that in this book. It’s about a news anchor who leaves her big city job to return to her hometown. She’s forced to take […]
In Fear of a Queer Eye Makeover
WE LOVE Queer Eye. But we’ve vowed never to nominate each other for a makeover. Read about WHY here. OR of course watch the current episode of The Middle Ages!