A lot of people are taking sides for and against a diner owner who told a toddler to "shut up" in the middle of a public… Posted by Rebecca Regnier on Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Temper Tantrum Coping Strategies
Sorry Not Sorry
Do you say “I’m sorry” and “just” all the time? STAAHP it. Posted by Rebecca Regnier on Friday, July 17, 2015
Mom’s Everyday: Rebecca Joins the Panel this Fall
Rebecca Regnier joins the Moms Everyday panel this fall! Visit Mom’s Everyday for more about the show. [gss ids=”198,197,196″ options=”timeout=3000″ carousel=”fx=carousel” name=”cities” style=”width:640px”]
Kid Friendly Healthy Recipes on MomsEveryday
Rebecca’s Home
Welcome to my home on the web. I host a T.V. show, fun segments for MomsEveryday, I write a newspaper column, and blog. I’m the author of Your Twitter Diet and am working on my next book project as we speak! Every single day I find something fun, informative, or nutty to share. So click […]