Packing a suitcase is a process. The movies depict packing as a frantic, last-minute activity where the traveler or spouse who’s being kicked out or the runaway empties a drawer into a suitcase. However, this is real life, whether it’s work travel or vacation travel, frantic packing is a major process that takes weeks. Enjoy […]
Decluttering Inspiration
I run a Facebook group where our sole purpose is to support, inspire, and hold each other accountable to declutter our homes. Here are a few quotes and inspirations that help us get through. Here’s a link if you’re interested in joining! Cut The Crap Club
Late Broomers is in Bloom!
Hi all! I’m just popping in to say the third novel in my Widow’s Bay series is LIVE! Late Broomers dropped last night Y’all. (I say it like it’s my latest album or something because of course, I do.) This book features my empty nest witch coven, murder, troll invasions, and a whole lotta snarky cat […]
New Podcast Directions – The Fork Off Show
First Off – Do you listen to a podcast? If you’re not you should be. Podcasts are FREE for the most part and you can access them via your iPhone or Android phone. I’m explaining this because I know a lot of people are tech-resistant or think it’s something NEW they have to learn. Here’s […]
Designing Women or Golden Girls Cruise
A new concept in cruising was announced this week, the Golden Girls cruise! Celebrity Infinity cruises announced a special cruise celebrating the sitcom will launch in winter of 2020. It includes a cheesecake party, of course. The cruise leaves from Miami, where the Rose, Blanche, Dorothy, and Sophia lived on the sitcom that aired from 1985 to 1992. […]
Coven Mitt Signing Event November 30
I had no idea how much FUN book signing events were. I always covered them for the news with HUGE names that were in town, so they were really just another day at the office, you know? But as an author, I’ve had three book signing events since my series started in July and I […]