I recently attended a truly lovely wedding shower. I was seated next to a woman who is, like me, firmly in the mother-of-the-bride demographic. While watching the bride open gifts, I realized there should be a second wave of showering. The most recent showering either of us had was in the early 1990s. While marveling […]
Check in with Game of Thrones Fans
It’s been established that I am a fan. When I like something, a book, a musical, a performer, a PopTart flavor I am all in. I am also a fan of fans. Being a fan is one of the ways, as adults, that we can tap into what it was like to be a kid. […]
Packing is a Science
Packing a suitcase is a process. The movies depict packing as a frantic, last-minute activity where the traveler or spouse who’s being kicked out or the runaway empties a drawer into a suitcase. However, this is real life, whether it’s work travel or vacation travel, frantic packing is a major process that takes weeks. Enjoy […]
Designing Women or Golden Girls Cruise
A new concept in cruising was announced this week, the Golden Girls cruise! Celebrity Infinity cruises announced a special cruise celebrating the sitcom will launch in winter of 2020. It includes a cheesecake party, of course. The cruise leaves from Miami, where the Rose, Blanche, Dorothy, and Sophia lived on the sitcom that aired from 1985 to 1992. […]
In Fear of a Queer Eye Makeover
WE LOVE Queer Eye. But we’ve vowed never to nominate each other for a makeover. Read about WHY here. OR of course watch the current episode of The Middle Ages!
Laundry Room Envy
Read the Column here!