Holiday stress much? I do. The MomsEveryday panel talks it out. And guess what? It’s okay to HATE the holidays. It is. Meanwhile Elf on the Shelf is one thing I would get rid of. Buh bye.
Letting Your Kids Fail
Raising responsible kids means letting them fail. You can’t always step in. If you do you’ll always have to. The MomsEveryday Panel talks about why and how to raise responsible kids.
Let Dad do it his way
It’s not easy letting go and just letting Dad do his thing with the kids, his way. But you MUST! The MomsEverday panelists extole the virtues of getting out of dad’s way!
Transferring Your Fears to Your Kids
Here’s a really great discussion on transferring your fears to your kids. How not to. Also how to handle it when their own anxieties develop.
Parenting Horror Stories
This is the segment where I threw up in my mouth a little bit.
PinTest: Wine cork wreath
You see it on Pinterest all the time, the wine cork wreath! I’ve saved these corks for decades (wink) so I could finally PinTest this idea. Watch to see what to do and NOT to do when making these. And don’t forget to follow me on Pinterest!